Srilanka’s downfall and organic farming: A correlation
The world population is increasing annually with a specific growth rate. To fulfill the belly of its citizens, every country puts its efforts to increase its production and productivity. Perhaps, this is the most significant reason why we switched from conventional farming systems to chemical farming so as to increase crop productivity. Because the lands […]
Hybrid Crops, Environmental issues and Human Health: A Strong Correlation
Thousands of people died in the Covid-2.0 wave, and India is currently in the worst period. Approximately every Indian is directly or indirectly affected by the corona pandemic. The government, as well as other concerned organizations, are working tirelessly to resolve the situation. However, India suffers from a severe lack of medical infrastructure and facilities (particularly […]
Vitamin c supplementation in Immunity Building
India is passing through this havoc period of corona-2.0 and thousands of people died and the event continues. In this situation, all people are on the same platform and the money is not creating any difference in availing the sophisticated medical facility for Corona patients. It is just because India is lagging in required […]
Nutritional therapy for corona patients
It is said by the famous philosopher Hippocrates that “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” i.e. day will come when the patients will be treated by the food, not by the medicine. But this does not mean that people should only rely on food and nutrition even during emergent conditions. Actually, healthy nutrition […]
Elixir in Cold and breathing discomfort
The ayurvedic formula, I am going to discuss is the oldest and traditional method that people were used to do but unfortunately due to greater acceptance of allopathic options, we Indians have stopped our traditional practices and homemade solutions. The remedy formula: The formula is for 2 glass water Ingredients required: 1. Take 2 […]
Divine Formula For speedy recovery of Corona positive individuals
Though there are numerous ayurvedic formulas that might prove beneficial in corona-positive individuals. But here I am going to discuss the formula that actually tested by corona-positive individuals showing divine effects to cure corona disease. Note: This combination of Neem and Ginger is self-tested by a corona patient who suggested taking this for a speedy […]
How to get rid of covid-2 wave
Corona has been attacked second time in India with lakhs of cases and thousands of death so far in different states of India. The lack of sufficient oxygen supply has been exacerbated the situation worst. So the best ways to avoid and survive this pandemic situation are the preventive measures. This is very unfortunate […]
Filtered water: Good or Bad
Filtered water: Good or Bad Water is mandatory for life on earth. Even life has originated just because of water on earth. Everywhere, water plays an important role in biological activity either for plants, animals, human beings. Human beings consume water as it constitutes 70-80%. A slight fall in this share may cause serious […]
Sugar vs. Jaggery: which is better?
Since a long, people are consuming a variety of sweeteners to satisfy their taste buds. Sugar is one of them. It is the processed product of sugar cane that is made by gone through several operations. It is off white coloured crystalline granules. Sugar cane went through various operations viz., juice formation, treatment with concentrated […]
Novel Food Packaging Technologies